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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Current Issues/Running With the Bulls

There are so many things going on that affect animals, both domestic and wild, that I can hardly keep up.  I check websites such as www.hsus.org and others regularly, and it seems there is an unending stream of upsetting events that have a detrimental effect on the animal world. 

I recently spoke of a proposal in Lake Elsinore, California to have a "running of the bulls" similar to that in Spain.  Well, I have seen several news pieces on T.V. addressing this "event" which evidently has been occurring in different parts of the country.  One story showed photos (I don't remember what state it was in, though) of mostly young men running like crazy along side some bulls, who were just trotting along as if they didn't know what all the shouting was about.

A news piece I read said that prior to the "running" there was much eating and drinking, etc.  Well, I don't know what breed the bulls were, but they were horned and seemed very calm.  A man on horseback was kind of riding along behind, keeping the cattle moving.  These bulls acted more like steers.  Oh, on the news they stated that these human runners paid $75.00 and had to pay for an insurance waiver (which I think was another $30.00, not sure) to participate. These animals seemed very used to human contact, so hopefully injuries to both humans and animals will be avoided.

In my opinion, this whole thing is a travesty and should not be allowed.  This is the U.S.A., not Spain, and people should have better things to do.  Eventually, despite any precautions taken, someone will get hurt.  The bulls were not moving very fast (not like they do in Spain), so that fact hopefully will avoid having one or more of them slip and fall. 

I would really like to see these "brave" guys run with a couple of Jersey or Guernsey dairy bulls!  Despite their cute faces, these bulls are known for being among the most aggressive of all bulls.  About ten or twelve years ago, a dairy worker here in SoCal was killed by a bull. Some cows were being moved from one area to another and the bull somehow got loose (I can't remember the whole story) and charged the worker and, sadly, killed him.  Bulls can be dangerous, bottom line.

Unfortunately, the news story said that these events are being scheduled in more cities, among them San Diego, and I think San Francisco(?).  Can't imagine the folks in San Francisco allowing this circus to come to their city.

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