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Monday, August 19, 2013

Running of the Bulls in Lake Elsinore, Ca?

Today, I received an Email from www.change.org  sent by Animal Advocates of Huntington Beach, California, asking people to sign a petition to stop proposed "running of the bulls" in Lake Elsinore, California.  Evidently, a Rob Dickens of The Great Bull Run, LLC, based in Boston, thinks it would be just dandy to replicate what takes place each year in Pamplona, Spain, where silly people run frantically after equally frantic bulls trying desperately to get away from them, and risk being gored or trampled.  Bulls frequently fall and are injured.  Of course, in Spain, the unfortunate creatures are on their way to the bull rings, and we all know what happens to them then.

I would suggest that Mr. Dickens and The Great Bull Run, LLC, stay in Boston and keep out of California's business.  We don't need any cruel, ridiculous "entertainment" such as people chasing bulls around here in our State.  We have enough trouble controlling the animal "entertainment" we do have and ensuring that every creature is treated humanely without the extra burden of something that nobody needs.

Cruel "sports" such as bull fighting have never been legal in the U.S., and it needs to stay that way.  Even if the bulls are not intentionally hurt in this "activity", there is still a high risk to both human and animal participants and should never be allowed here, in my opinion. 

Hopefully, when people realize what a travesty this is, it will never get off the ground.  Oh, and when the venue applies for liability insurance, I would sure like to know what the premium would be!

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