Hi - I just started this new blog to go along with my others dealing primarily with dogs. I would like to expand to include all animals and how to treat them humanely and compassionately. My information comes from news reports and other animals welfare sites, including the Humane Society of the United States, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, In Defense of Animals, and others. This is only a partial list of resources I use to keep abreast of what's happening that benefits all our friends and what threatens them.
I'm a licensed attorney, but am primarily retired. I wish to do whatever I can do with my knowledge of law to help ensure better treatment for all animals now and in the future. Helping to educate young people on how to act in a humane and loving manner to all of God's wonderful creation is important, as they are the future.
Nothing in this blog is intended as legal advice. It is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute any attorney/client relationship. If any reader has a legal question, they should contact their own attorney.